I'm back for post number two today!
Monday: Harrison
Harrison is the little town that I take the train to in the mornings on my way to the pool. It is full of a bunch of small, local stores and it a delightful place to walk through on my way to work.
Tuesday: White picket fences
The area around the pool I live in is very affluent. Nearly every house has a white picket fence around its perimeter. At times I feel as if I have stepped out of real life and into a Norman Rockwell painting.
Wednesday: 4th of July
4th of July is the busiest day of the year at the pool. This year we had over 1,700 people come to the pool! The golf club always goes all out for the 4th: they hire a DJ, have field games, and decorate the whole place.
Thursday: Christine visits!
My friend from Toronto, Christine, is in town this weekend for a visit. On Thursday we hit up Kitchenette, one of my favorite restaurants in the neighborhood and of course had fun playing with our cameras.
Friday: Model Sailboats
One of my favorite stops in Central Park is the Conservatory Water, a small pond near the East side where a flotilla of model sail boats rest. You can pay to rent out the controls for the boats and direct their movements across the waters.
Saturday: The top of the Met
This weekend Christine and I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art and on a lark we went up on the roof. We were delighted to find a lively rooftop party happening replete with cocktails and socialites. In the center of all the action was a giant sculpture made of mirrors, which reflected the wonderful views of the Manhattan skyline.
Sunday: Westside Market
The end of the weekend means time to prepare for the week ahead. Today Rich and I began the usually preparations for the week including grocery shopping at our local store, Westside Market. I'm always enticed by the gleaming array of fruits and vegetables they have on sale outside of the store. It is hard to not fill your basket up there before even walking inside!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day! I'll be back next Sunday for another update.
Awesome pictures! The Westside Market might be my favourite place in New York.