Early this week was very cold for June. The highs were only in the 60s (about 15C)! The lifeguards and I shivered our way through the week. Less than a dozen people came to swim over the course of three days and I don't blame them. Brr! Thankfully, this weekend it warmed up just in time for Rich and me to trek out to Burlington, VT for a couple days.
Monday: Lifeguard tubes
Lifeguard tubes are one of the most essential pieces of equipment at the pool. They're used for almost any possible rescue a lifeguard could perform. On cold days, like Monday, they work great as pillows for napping guards, too.
Tuesday: The folly of graffiti
Outside our apartment is a large dumpster used to dispose of random fixtures (toilet seats, faucets, etc.) from apartments under construction. On my way home from work on Tuesday I noticed this graffiti aphorism ("we are who we aren't"). The lesson here? Don't turn to graffiti for wisdom or sage advice!
Side note: This is my 100th picture since I've started!
Wednesday: Guard of the week
Once a week the other manager and I choose one exemplary lifeguard to be guard of the week. This guard is rewarded with a free lunch and public recognition at the pool. This Monday I will be announcing the first guard of the week. I always enjoy recognizing a guard for his or her good work.
Thursday: Harlem- 125th street station
The Metro-North train station in Harlem straddles 125th street, one of the busiest thoroughfares in uptown Manhattan. Every day I take a bus across town to catch my train up to the pool from here. I'm always intrigued by the elaborate decorations adorning the overpass.
Friday: Cherry Garcia St., Burlington, VT
Rich and I traveled in our usual way (by bus) up to Burlington, Vermont this weekend. Burlington is a delightful town of which I cannot say enough. In the center of town is a pedestrian street lined by unique shops, gourmet food carts, and open air cafes. Of course, you can't go to Vermont without some local Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. The street names in this area are a subtle reminder to stop by the shop for some ice cream as you stroll.
Saturday: Lake Champlain
Burlington is not only a quirky college town, but a mecca for outdoors enthusiasts. Settled right on Lake Champlain and wedged between the Adirondacks and the Green Mountains, there are few places more beautiful on the East Coast. Rich and I had a hard time deciding what to do with our precious time in Burlington. Should we sample the myriad of maple syrup products? Should we taste the local cheeses? Should we explore the hiking trails or walk along the lake? Needless to say we'll be returning to Burlington soon!
Sunday: A day of rest
After all the excitement in Burlington, Rich and I spent most of today resting and recovering. We're back in good old New York city where the pace of life is much faster and there are much fewer cows (if any).
Before I end this post I want to say happy birthday to Debbie (Rich's mom)! I'm off to prepare for another (probably warmer) work week. See you all next week!
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