This past week was pretty humdrum after Rich left on Tuesday. Thursday of this upcoming week is the last day of classes for the semester (yes, we end VERY early here at University of Toronto). So that means chaos is about to break loose with final papers, exam marking, and all the great things that go with the end of school.
Monday morning Rich and I attended a friend's dissertation defense. Because defenses are closed in my department we really just waited outside the room while our friend, anxious and exhausted, awaited the verdict of the committee. It was good news for him! He passed his defense and in celebration the committee took him and all of his supporters out to lunch at the faculty club.
Note- I felt it was a bit gauche to take a picture of the faculty club while we were there so I used wikipedia's photo of the faculty club.
Tuesday: Sushi on Bloor and the Distillery District
For Rich's last day in Toronto we went to our favorite sushi restaurant (Sushi on Bloor) and then I took him to the historic Distillery District for a cup of spicy, mayan hot chocolate.
Wednesday: Wellesley Street
Welleslley Street is my home street!
Thursday: Green fruit bowl
This is another one of my favorite items in my apartment. My good friend from high school, TK, sent this to me in college because it exactly matched a fruit bowl from one of my favorite short stories, Amy Bender's "The Bowl."
Friday: Front door
The view every time I walk into my apartment.
Saturday: Cumbrae's Butcher
Cumbrae's is a local butcher in my neighborhood. They have very nice quality meats and prepared foods. I stop by here when I need meat for a recipe because it is easy to buy portions for one (I can't possibly use up an entire family pack of chicken breasts).
Sunday: Term Papers
As I said, it is the end of the semester here and with the end of the semester comes term papers. This year I'm a TA for a literature course and so part of my job is grading term papers. This is the pile of term papers is a good representation of what my weekends will look like in April.
Sorry for the mundane nature of this week's post. Hopefully this upcoming week I'll get out a little more and take some pictures outside of my apartment/neighborhood.
I added a few people to the e-mail notifications list this week. I only post once a week on Sundays, but if you don't want to receive e-mail notifications about my posts just let me know and I'll take you off the list!
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